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How to Do Key West, Florida Right

If you’re heading out to the fabulous Florida Keys, consider making Key West your destination. In full disclosure, I was invited out to Key West by the teams at Pier House Resort & Spa and the tourism board of The Florida Keys and Key West (@TheFloridaKeys). I had an INCREDIBLE time and felt like royalty,…


Seattle, Washington: 9 Things to Do in a Day

I arrived in Seattle after 31 hours of traveling back from Bali, Indonesia. I wanted to see the city and mostly walk, but not have to do too much walking considering I was exhausted, especially from the jet lag. Nevertheless I was excited to see the city and I had a whole day to do…

How and Why I Became a Homeowner at 23

I became a homeowner at 23-years-old. This is the story of how I pulled it off, with no savings. (Seriously.) How Becoming a Homeowner Even Became a Thought I had recently graduated from UT Austin, moved to Denver, and been in a ‘real job’ for 9 months. But I already wanted an out. The apartment…