Let me tell you something… this country (and the world) is RUNNING RAMPANT with NARCISSISM. ⠀
But it doesn’t stem from where you might think. ⠀
Oh no. ⠀
In fact, it’s quite the opposite.⠀
“Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealized self-image and attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water.”⠀
You see… narcissism ACTUALLY isn’t because people love themselves TOO much… It’s because they hardly love themselves at all. ?
… and happiness is an INSIDE job. ⠀
The way to learn to love yourself… is to MAKE YOURSELF PROUD. Do things that make YOU feel good. Be the kind of person that you would want to be friends with, yourself.⠀
But also learn to give yourself a break (and to laugh with yourself)!⠀
I hope that the ONE thing humanity can pull from this year is that we are ALL FUCKING HUMAN. ⠀ Okay? So, know that momma loves you and YOU ARE ENOUGH. ⠀
“They say she a dime… I say she’s underrated.” – You Be Killin’ Em by @myfabolouslife and my fucking ANTHEM, MF lol ?⠀
#youareenough #saynotonarcissism #makeyourselfPROUD
P.S. I thought the guy yawning while photobombing my last shot was hilariously accurate, too. ??♀️