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  • How to Pop Your Ears on a Plane: 9 Tricks for Relieving Ear Pressure, According to Medical Experts

How to Pop Your Ears on a Plane: 9 Tricks for Relieving Ear Pressure, According to Medical Experts

That’s because these actions are tied to that all-important Eustachian tube, explains Dr. LaTasha Seliby Perkins, M.D., a Washington, DC-based family physician and assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine. “There are muscles around the Eustachian tube that change when you open your mouth, so they pull on the tube and they open it up when your mouth is open versus when your jaw is closed, those muscles are contracted so the tube is smaller,” she says. “That’s why something like chewing can help, because it opens and closes [the tube].”

2. Chew gum, swallow liquid, or suck on candy

Pop a piece of gum before takeoff and landing, recommends Dr. Gary Snyder, a New York-based board-certified otolaryngologist. But not just any kind, Dr. Snyder says: “Gum in general is a good idea, but mint gum causes extra saliva and extra swallowing, which can be better for the ears for plane flights.”

You can also multitask on hydration and keeping your ears clear by sipping water or another liquid during takeoff and landing. Sucking on candy helps, too.

3. Try a long-acting nasal decongestant

Many ENT specialists recommend using a long-acting nasal decongestant to offset any inflammation that may be affecting your nasal passages and interfering with Eustachian tube function. According to the Stanford Ear Institute, oral decongestants should be taken from two to three hours prior to your anticipated arrival time, while nasal sprays should be used about one hour before arrival.

4. Try the Toynbee maneuver

This ear-popping technique, which is also popular among scuba divers, is simple but effective. Pinch your nose shut while simultaneously swallowing. It might feel a little odd, so do it as gently as possible.

5. Try the Valsalva maneuver

This breathing technique is sometimes recommended by medical professionals to help patients slow down a too-fast heart rate or assess problems with the autonomic nervous system. Despite its complicated-sounding name, it’s fairly simple. Here’s how to do it, according to Mercy Health: First, take a deep breath and hold it, then pinch your nose shut and close your mouth. Next, bear down (yes, like you’re trying to go to the bathroom) and breathe out like you’re trying to blow up a balloon, for about 10 to 15 seconds. If it doesn’t work, repeat and try again. You can also alternate it with the Toynbee maneuver.

One caveat with both of these techniques: Don’t overdo it. Blowing excessively hard can puncture your eardrum.

6. Try to stay awake during takeoff and landing

Are you one of those passengers already snoring before takeoff or still snoozing when the wheels hit the tarmac (or both)? You may be more susceptible to airplane ear. That’s because when you’re asleep, you won’t be yawning, swallowing, chewing, or doing any of the other tricks that will help your ears pop naturally. As a result, you may wake up with the Eustachian tube “already locked closed,” according to the Stanford Ear Institute. But you can avoid this discomfort by staying awake during takeoff and landing, and making sure your ears have popped before you allow yourself to snooze.

7. Use specially designed earplugs to mitigate the rapid change in pressure

Earplugs aren’t just for getting a good night’s sleep in an unfamiliar place: They can also help ease the discomfort from popping ears. Some passengers also swear by EarPlanes, hypoallergenic earplugs that are specially designed to help regulate pressure in the ear. Available in reusable and disposable versions, they have a unique filter that regulates air pressure, which should help relieve discomfort.

8. Apply a heating pad or warm washcloth to your ear

For stubbornly unpopped ears, try applying heat with a warm washcloth or heating pad to open up your Eustachian tubes. The heat should help unclog the tube and allow it to release built-up ear pressure.

9. Consider pressure equalization tubes.

If you suffer from pressure-related ear pain during every takeoff and landing (whether you have a cold or not), Eustachian tube dysfunction could be the underlying issue. This condition is diagnosed in 1% of the adult population, while approximately 70% of children develop it before age 7, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Frequent travelers with Eustachian tube dysfunction might want to consider having pressure equalization tubes implants in their ears. This simple, 15-minute procedure, which is performed under anesthesia, helps your ears drain fluid and regulate pressure. Implants last one to two years. However, it should be a last resort, as the tubes can lead to ear infections and/or perforated ear drums.

How to ease ear discomfort in kids

Those little ones who are wailing during takeoff and landing are likely feeling some serious discomfort, as the mechanisms in their ears may still be developing. In addition, as Dr. Perkins points out, airplane ear is “brand new sensation” for babies. “They have no idea what to do with it, and they don’t know how to manipulate the facial muscles to make a change in pressure.”